Toothbrush 101

June 28, 2021

The toothbrush is a staple of good oral hygiene, but owning a toothbrush and knowing how to use it properly are two different things! Most of us don’t really give it much thought; we apply toothpaste, brush, rinse, and move on with our day. Unfortunately, simply brushing twice a day doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Read on for some toothbrush knowledge you’ll wish you had known!  Choosing your toothbrush – If ...

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Spring Means Blooms, Sunshine & Oral Cancer Screenings

April 29, 2021

April is oral cancer awareness month. While not as delightful as the other signs of spring – blooming trees and longer days – a focus on early detection is a beautiful thing. While oral cancer (oral cavity and oropharynx cancers collectively) accounts for almost 3% of all cancers diagnosed annually in the United States, it is responsible for 1.8% of all cancer deaths. The death rate associated with oral cancer is particularly high because it is ...

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6 Holiday Healthy Teeth Tips

December 16, 2019

It’s that time of year where sleigh-bells are ringing, children are singing, and the last thing we tend to think about is our oral health. I mean, we’re pretty sure no one is sitting on Santa’s lap and asking for peppermint floss for Christmas. So why worry about our oral health? It is only a few months out of the year, right? Well, that is where we can get ourselves into a ...

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Is Flossing Your Teeth Really Important?

November 18, 2019

Despite a rogue news report a few years ago, the benefits of regular flossing and brushing have generally been widely accepted. So, why do only 30% of Americans report flossing daily and even more (32%) admit to never flossing at all?   Most likely it’s because while the obvious benefits of regular flossing are worthwhile – gum health and fresh breath – they’re also relatively intangible. Let’s be honest. Possessing healthy pink gums doesn’t ...

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